Featured AddOn

FizzWidget AddOns

by Gazmik Fizzwidget

FizzWidget AddOns consist of the following WoW addons:

  • Hunter's Helper - The addon adds a tooltip to beast mobs which shows which abilities a Hunter could learn after taming it.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /huntershelper help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /huntershelper status - Checks the current settings.
    - /huntershelper [on/off] - Toggles the option to display pet abilities in beast tooltips.
    - /huntershelper find [name][rank] - Displays a list of beasts with specified abilities and rank and their location in the chat frame.

  • AdSpace - The addon adds a tooltip to a recipe which displays a list of vendors who sell it and their location, if the recipe is available for purchase via vendors.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /adspace help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /adspace status - Checks the current settings.
    - /adspace [on/off] - Toggles the option to display vendor availability in recipe tooltips.
    - /adspace vendor [itemlink] or [itemname] - Displays an item's vendor information in the chat frame.

  • Disenchanter Predictor - The addon adds a tooltip to an enchanting reagent which displays the item level it can be obtained and the types of items that are more or less likely to produce the reagent.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /enchant help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /enchant status - Checks the current settings.
    - /enchant tooltip [on/off] - Toggles the option to display disenchanting information in enchanting reagent tooltips.
    - /enchant [number] - Displays disenchanting information for item level specified in the chat frame.

  • FactionFriend - The addon automatically switches the builtin reputation watch bar when gaining reputation or when entering certain zone. For repeatable item hand-ins, the addon displays the amount of reputation that you can gain by turning in the items available in your bank or bags.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /factionfriend - Toggles the option to display the options window.

  • Feed-O-Matic - The addon assists with pet feeding. It includes features such as prominent reminder, custom emotes with custom messages to notify you when it's time to feed your pet. When it is binded to 'Feed Pet' key, it will automatically choose the correct food to feed the pet.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /feedomatic - Opens the options panel.
    - /feedomatic help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /feedomatic status - Checks the current settings.
    - /feedomatic reset - Reset all to default values.
    - /feedomatic add [diet] [name] - Adds food to specified diet list (meat, fruit, fish etc)
    - /feedomatic remove [diet] [name] - Remove food from list of a specified diet.
    - /feedomatic show [diet] - Shows a list of food for a specified diet.

  • Gemologist - The addon adds a tooltip to a specified gem which displays the type of ores that a miner can mines the gem from.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /gemologist help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /gemologist status - Checks the current settings.
    - /gemologist tooltip [on/off] - Toggles the option to display mining availability in gem tooltips.
    - /gemologist info [itemlink] - Displays mining details of the specified item in the chat frame.

  • Levelator - The addon displays recommended levels preceding quest names in your quest log.

  • Linkerator - The addon automatically remembers item links you come across and allows insertion of an item link in chat frame by simply typing its name.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /linkerator help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /linkerator delay [number] - Sets the delay before automatic completions appear when typing partial links in the chat frame.
    - /linkerator [number] - Prints a link in the chat frame from an item with the specified ID number.
    - /linkerator [linkcode] - Prints a link in the chat frame for an item with the specified link code.
    - /linkerator [name] - Prints a link in the chat frame for an item with the specified name or part of name.

  • ReagentCost - The addon taps into Auctioneer, KC Items, GDI Reagent Data or AuctionMatrix to obtain the current market price information and displays the total reagent cost of a certain recipe in the tradeskill window.

    In-Game Commands:
    - /reagentcost help - Displays a list of command options.
    - /reagentcost status - Checks the current settings.
    - /reagentcost reset - Resets all values to default settings.
    - /reagentcost [on/off] - Toggles the option to display information in the tradeskill window.
    - /reagentcost report [skillname] - Displays a list of the most profitable tradeskill items (or those only produced by specified skillname.
    - /reagentcost minprofit [number] - Displays a list of items which profit is estimated by the specified number or greater.
    - /reagentcost minprofit [number]% - Displays a list of items which profit exceeds its material costs estimated by the specified number percent or greater.

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Tutorial How to Install WoW AddOns in 3 Easy Steps using WowMatrix!